As a regional production company, Ferns Productions Inc. is an equal opportunity employer, operating from offices that are accessible to persons with disabilities.
The companies' officers and staff strive to reflect the diversity and reality of Canada
both through our hiring practices and storytelling. We believe that when building an effective and inclusive team it should be made up of people with diverse talents, perspectives and backgrounds. A team with those moral and social values at its core enables us to accomplish our goals of producing high quality, distinctive Canadian programming with top production values that appeal to domestic and international audiences.

On previous productions, we have hired women and persons of First Nations descent as performers, commentators and staff. On "Captain Cook: Obsession and Discovery", out of a Canadian Cast and Crew of thirty-four people, eighteen of those roles were filled by persons belonging to a diversity group. Twelve of those roles were filled by visible minorities.

Ferns Productions invites any applicants for upcoming productions to 'self identify' if they belong to a diversity group on their cover letters or applications.

Ferns Productions Committed to
Employment Equity and Diversity
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